Minerva Historical Society Quarterly Archives
The outside of the Irishtown One Room School, District #4 is completed !!! This is due to all the many contributions from Historical Society members, hours and hours of volunteer work and the Minerva Alumni Association who donated the cedar siding and helped put it on. A very special thank you goes to Matt Kelly for the use of his equipment, scaffold and excellent guidance in supervising this crew. Volunteer workers were Matt Kelly, John Paradis, Jerry Galusha, Keith Iverson, Bill Brannon, Bob Foley and Bud Barnes. Another special thank you to Fran Paradis, Betty LeMay and Nina Flynn for their donations of blueberry muffins, lemon meringue pie, cookies, salads, burgers, and hot dogs, coffee and cold soda (coffee was donated by Rick and Christine Beardsley). Fran Paradis was chief cook and prepared the above mentioned morsels for coffee break and a hearty, well deserved lunch. Now we have to finish off the inside and furnish it. |