Cynthia Perkins - October, 2022
Cynthia Perkins - October, 2022

A short ceremony was held at the Minerva Community Center on Thursday, October, 6th at 6:30 pm to light the newly renovated Mountain View Hotel neon sign.
Museum Director Cynthia Perkins Emceed the event.
Town Supervisor Stephen McNally spoke to the display of the sign at the Community Center for a short time and the building of a crate to store the sign in the basement of the Town Hall until a permanent home for the sign is determined.
Michael Corey regaled attendees with the story of his discovery of the sign in the backfield of Sporty’s establishment and the beginnings of the “rescue the sign” adventure. He was followed by David McNally’s part in contacting Randy Mason who also spoke about his part in the rescue. Mike Lynn spoke about moving the sign to the Company in Albany that Jeff Burnham had contracted with to restore the sign.
While that description of the evening is pretty straightforward, it does not do justice to the laughs and ribbing that were taking place during the various speaker's moments in the spotlight.
Update: The sign has found a resting place at the museum. Jeff Burnham was available to turn the sign on for the Museum Opening Day.
Museum Director Cynthia Perkins Emceed the event.
Town Supervisor Stephen McNally spoke to the display of the sign at the Community Center for a short time and the building of a crate to store the sign in the basement of the Town Hall until a permanent home for the sign is determined.
Michael Corey regaled attendees with the story of his discovery of the sign in the backfield of Sporty’s establishment and the beginnings of the “rescue the sign” adventure. He was followed by David McNally’s part in contacting Randy Mason who also spoke about his part in the rescue. Mike Lynn spoke about moving the sign to the Company in Albany that Jeff Burnham had contracted with to restore the sign.
While that description of the evening is pretty straightforward, it does not do justice to the laughs and ribbing that were taking place during the various speaker's moments in the spotlight.
Update: The sign has found a resting place at the museum. Jeff Burnham was available to turn the sign on for the Museum Opening Day.