Membership Fund Drive Report - 2022
The Society added 80 new members this year. We have been working hard to increase our membership and update our physical plant and online presence. We are working on updating our financial record keeping, reviewing our bylaws, enhancing our scholarship programs and our MCS programming. As you can imagine, all of these improvements require added financial investments. We have made the difficult decision to increase our dues to $20 per year. For full details on our hard work refer to our Annual Membership and Fund Drive letter that went out in the mail to every member. Please renew your membership and if you can, consider adding a bit more to help us in our mission to Preserve, Protect and Promote our Minerva History. Tom Tuffey: Financial Committee Chair 10 week Club
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Christmas Bazaar - 2022
This year, MHS tried something new, instead of pies, we put out all sorts of mini baked goods, including breads, brownies, fudge and fruitcake for sale. We sold very few Christmas knick-knacks, but in the end, made $250 total. Those participating at the MHS table: Nancy Shaw, Julie Milner, Patty Morrison & Cindy Perkins. FYI: MHS is in charge of the 2023 Christmas Bazaar and we will need to come up with a theme. Contact Nancy Shaw with your ideas @ 518-251-3069 |